Friday, November 29, 2019
Project story free essay sample
Mr.. Moral C. Moving Presented by: Motile, Jason Frizz A. Palsies, Ruin John A. July 1 l. Executive Summary A canned Jams, packaged dried fruits, producer and marketer named Yummy Company and all their products are made from pure natural exotic tropical Juice. The company is in good performance. From the field distribution, marketing, price, imports and exports aspects all are excellent. They also experienced massive expansions to the other part of the Philippines during past two years. They also have a workforce over 1 , 200, from the scenario, the regular employees are 900 and about 300 are seasonal or temporary employees. Yummy Companys workforces are currently non- unionized and its revenue has increased by about 20% in year 2004. On year 1990, yummy company bought two small companies located in southern. As time goes by, the acquisition did not go smoothly since one of the acquired companies had unionized employees and their human resource was not able to handle the situation. We will write a custom essay sample on Project story or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The human resource was not able involved in strategic planning process. As the result of this lack of human resource performance, the company deal several human resource related problems for at least three years, and result to detrimental to employee morale and productivity, with this experience the companys top management should hire the right person in a certain position so that they could avoid any inevitable situations that they could encounter. However, unionized and non-unionized employees can be considered as the strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that could possibly help nor can be a problem in the past, present or future. With this particular problems encountered, the human resource management should plan some alternative solutions on how solve the dilemmas which can affect their performance as a company. As the top management of the Yummy company is concerned, it should be strict in implementing their rules and regulations or by laws, they should also implement strict written communications to avoid miscommunication. And for the unionized employees of the company, it can be advantage for their part, but for the companys point of view, as their primary goal is to earn more profit, it may be disadvantage for their part. II. Statement of the Problem Managing people related issue result by company expansion. Companys HER problem due to: unionized employees, lack performance management system, hiring practices that allowed members of the same family in a supervisor- employee relationship, inconsistent enforcement of employee discipline procedure despite the presence of a collective bargaining agreement, high incidence of theft, informal and autocratic manner, no written HER policies, prop unequipped human resource. Lack of performance dress and communications tool and non-unionized employees Management system Incidence of theft unionized employees Harmonious relationship between companys by-laws proper Employee and employer Hiring practices: implementation workforce proper selection Same family member Detrimental to employee morale Ill. Areas of Consideration Strength Unionized employees Non-unionized employees Harmonious relationship between employee and employer Attained companys Vision Goals Mission Objectives Strong communication Culture innovation Experience in people related issue on merger/expansion. Excellent Manpower and technology Weaknesses Unequipped HER Lack of concern of HER issues Lack of performance management employee system Hiring practices: same family member Lack to employee discipline High incidence of theft Informal and autocratic management No written HER policies, procedures and communication flow management Opportunities Will increase customer satisfaction Will achieve VIGOR Will have good HER communications New management team Poor position in Governmental programs to develop or enhance employees deep understanding Threats Unionized employees Failure to attain companys Vision Mission Goals Objectives Human Resource misunderstanding Wrong decision making Cultural diversity Labor unrest IV. Alternative Course of Action 1. Companys Human Resource should always fully-equipped. . Should have right companys employee incentives. 3. Should hire right person in the right position. 4. Should have Companys Human Resource written the policies, procedures and communication flow. 5. Should not practice hiring blood-related family members. 6. Employee violates any company policies and he should be subject to disciplinary action. 7. Should hire man power. 8. Employees should receive all mandatory compensation: P. D 442 a decree instituting a labor code thereby revising and consolidation labor and social laws to afford protection to labor, promote employment and human sources development and insure industrial peace based on social Justice. 9. Employees should be protected off by laws: AREAWAY (an act instituting policies for the protection and welfare of domestic workers) Companys Human Resource should always fully-equipped. Every human resource of a certain company should always be ready and have always alternative plans for every decision making in the company. Human Resource should hire the right person in the right position, in order to achieve the vision, mission, goals and objective. Its part or function of HER is very important thats why top-management should be reticular and scrutinizing in hiring their workforce. Employees should have right companys incentives. This is to motivate the workforce to achieve the certain vision, mission, goal and objectives in the certain company. It workforces are highly motivated by the companys incentives tater their hard works are being paid, they continue do their best performance in working their assigned Job. Every employee deserves incentives or motivation after they are working for good. In relevance to Yummy Company, especially they experienced tremendous expansion nationally and hitting internally. Human Resource should hire the right person in the right position. If workforce is knowledgeable, his designated Job and it is easy to the management to less their work. It could also perform multitasking, well trained, people oriented (patience, hospitable, approachable, and trustworthy), hence, place the right person with all the knowledge and perseverance to work hard to serve the company. One of the most important factors is the companys Human Resource written HER policies, procedures and communication flow. Thus, the management should have written policies, procedures and communication flow to understand the employee- employer agreement either verbal or written agreement for both parties to have win- win situation. And to understand thoroughly the dos and dont if middle management and thus top management is having problem with their workforce. Should not practice hiring blood related family member. Due of some practices, in which is practiced by some employees in hiring their kins form some personal purposes. In some instances this is being practiced numerously of time in the Philippines, this is a distorted attitude of mostly Filipinos nowadays or lack of professionalism. Employee violates any company policies and procedures; he should e subjected to disciplinary action. If an employee disobeyed the top management, or because of recklessness, he should face the consequence as part of the companys disciplinary action to correct the wrong doing and re-film human resource and workforce communications. To be lawful, disciplinary action or dismissal must be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances with some limited exceptions. The employer must have good reason for the dismissal or disciplinary action, and the employer must follow a fair process in reaching and implementing its decision. Human resource should hire enough man power. Every station of a certain company hooked have a middle management to manage the business smoothly. Manpowers HER services are designed to help the company make more effective and successful hiring decisions, and to increase retention once you bring employees on board. Employees should receive all mandatory compensation: (P. D 442 a decree instituting a labor code thereby revising and consolidation labor and social laws to afford protection to labor, promote employment and human resources development and insure industrial peace based on social Justice. ) this is a motivation for the workforce to perform their Job well. It is now covered by the law makers to give all the mandatory compensation of the employees against opportunist employers. Employees should be protected off by laws: (AREAWAY an act instituting policies for the protection and welfare of domestic workers). As stated by the republic act 10361 that no employees shall be abused by the employer and should be subjected to punished. V. Evaluation Analysis Based trot the theory to Douglas McGregor Theory X believes that most people do not like work. Workers are not smart or creative. People do not care about the organization and will adequately work when there are promises for rewards and potential punishments. Moreover, Theory X manager believes that people want to have direction in order to evade responsibility. In relevance to the Yummy Companys case, human resource is the main problem and which is facing several of problems in the company. If you hired this kind of person, you should be concerned and put them into disciplinary action to correct their distorted principles and attitude. Human Resource problems like this should be correct by the middle management as part of the Companys Human Resource. From the theory of 2 factors motivation hygiene and motivators: Quality of inter-personal relations, working conditions, Feelings of Job security, Status, Opportunity for advancement, Gaining recognition, Responsibility, Challenging / stimulating work, Sense of personal achievement personal growth in a Job. With this aspect, human resource should be more particular and strict about their people and motivate them, challenge to develop skills and to dilate knowledge, know the quality for interpersonal relations, and your growth or experience towards working with several people. From the Carrot and Stick theory which serves as a motivation. Carrot in the company can be a food, shelter, clothes as which is the basic assumption of Mascots theory. Because from Mascots Hierarchy of needs. So the stick represents fear, which can be a good motivator when used sparingly at the right time. It may produce immediate results that derive from prompt compliance. It is only useful in the short term though, as over time increasing levels of punishment would be necessary to obtain the same results and this can backfire in the form of mutiny and sabotage. VI. References O Douglas McGregor D. 1960), THEORY X and THEORY Y 0 Jim Riley, Motivation Theory (Hygiene Factors- Motivator Factors) (Herbert) http://www. Tutors. Et/business/people/motivation_theory_Herbert. Asp 0 Carrot and Stick Theory http://imitate. Co. UK/professional/carrot-or-stick-approach/ VI. Conclusion Therefore, from the given case, Yummy Company is experiencing human resource management. If by chance, the us ed theories Carrot and Stick, McGregor theory X, and Two factors theory Hygiene and Motivators could be a way to help on how to motivate their workforce towards their Human Resource Problem. Hence, after finding the statement of the problem of the Yummy Company which are: unionized employees, lack performance management system, hiring practices that allowed embers of the same family in a supervisor- employee relationship, inconsistent enforcement of employee discipline procedure despite the presence of a collective bargaining agreement, high incidence of theft, informal and autocratic manner, no written H R policies, procedures and communications tool and unequipped human resource. Fish bone theory was used as the instrument to distinguish the problem. Afterwards, SOOT or (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) is being used to measure the companys capability to strengthen the strength, solve the problems or weaknesses, grab the opportunities, and prepare a plan and let the many to experience the threats. I conclude that Yummy Company should strictly implement the alternative course of action because this may help to solve the companys Human Resource. With the proper rules and regulations, by-laws, communication, disciplinary action and written agreement and all human resource problems with the help of detailed action plan which is designed to create a new plan and or solutions to prevent any companys weaknesses and threats and to firm companys strength and opportunities. VIII. Recommendations The recommendations for this study are based on the results of the findings from the analysis. The following are the researchers recommendations: 1. The human resource of Yummy Company should train their people workforce before upon hiring to avoid dilemmas. 2. Yummy Company should discipline their workforce or should be subjected to disciplinary action if ever he or she caught red handed. 3. Human resource or middle management should implement companys by-laws, written agreement, and shouldnt hire same family member. 4. The company should hire enough manpower with good skills and enough experience to reduce companys human resource problems since this is the primary problem. The researchers recommend firming their human resource aspects since they find hard in including their people and motivate them by giving incentives, compensation through following the motivation theory. 6. The researchers recommend to make unionized united employee if a certain company is abusing the right of employee and non-unionized if the company is giving all the benefits and incentives of employee. 7. Human resource manager should also hire the right p erson in the right position to easily adjust the culture and environment which are some factors that affects human resource.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Heros Journey and Archetypes in Literature
The Heros Journey and Archetypes in Literature Carl Jung called archetypes the ancient patterns of personality that are the shared heritage of the human race. Archetypes are amazingly constant throughout all times and cultures in the collective unconscious, and youll find them in all of the most satisfying literature. An understanding of these forces is one of the most powerful elements in the storyteller’s toolbox. Understanding these ancient patterns can help you better understand literature and become a better writer yourself. Youll also be able to identify archetypes in your life experience and bring that wealth to your work. When you grasp the function of the archetype a character expresses, you will know his or her purpose in the story. Christopher Vogler, author of The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure, writes about how every good story reflects the total human story. In other words, the heros journey represents the universal human condition of being born into this world, growing, learning, struggling to become an individual, and dying. The next time you watch a movie, TV program, even a commercial, identify the following archetypes. I guarantee youll see some or all of them. The Heros Journey The word hero comes from a Greek root that means to protect and serve. The hero is connected with self-sacrifice. He or she is the person who transcends ego, but at first, the hero is all ego. The hero’s job is to incorporate all the separate parts of himself to become a true Self, which he then recognizes as part of the whole, Vogler says. The reader is usually invited to identify with the hero. You admire the heros qualities and want to be like him or her, but the hero also has flaws. Weaknesses, quirks, and vices make a hero more appealing. The hero also has one or more inner conflicts. For example, he or she may struggle over the conflicts of love versus duty, trust versus suspicion, or hope versus despair. In The Wizard of Oz Dorothy is the storys hero, a girl trying to find her place in the world. The Job of the Herald Heralds issue challenges and announce the coming of significant change. Something changes the hero’s situation, and nothing is the same ever again. The herald often delivers the Call to Adventure, sometimes in the form of a letter, a phone call, an accident. Heralds provide the important psychological function of announcing the need for change, Vogler says. Miss Gulch, at the beginning of the film version of The Wizard of Oz, makes a visit to Dorothys house to complain that Toto is trouble. Toto is taken away, and the adventure begins. The Purpose of the Mentor Mentors provide heroes with motivation, inspiration, guidance, training, and gifts for the journey. Their gifts often come in the form of information or gadgets that come in handy later. Mentors seem inspired by divine wisdom; they are the voice of a god. They stand for the hero’s highest aspirations, Vogler says. The gift or help given by the mentor should be earned by learning, sacrifice, or commitment. Yoda is a classic mentor. So is Q from the James Bond series. Glinda, the Good Witch, is Dorothys mentor in The Wizard of Oz. Overcoming the Threshold Guardian At each gateway on the journey, there are powerful guardians placed to keep the unworthy from entering. If properly understood, these guardians can be overcome, bypassed, or turned into allies. These characters are not the journeys main villain but are often lieutenants of the villain. They are the naysayers, doorkeepers, bouncers, bodyguards, and gunslingers, according to Vogler. On a deeper psychological level, threshold guardians represent our internal demons. Their function is not necessarily to stop the hero but to test if he or she is really determined to accept the challenge of change. Heroes learn to recognize resistance as a source of strength. Threshold Guardians are not to be defeated but incorporated into the self. The message: those who are put off by outward appearances cannot enter the Special World, but those who can see past surface impressions to the inner reality are welcome, according to Vogler. The Doorman at the Emerald City, who attempts to stop Dorothy and her friends from seeing the wizard, is one threshold guardian. Another is the group of flying monkeys who attack the group. Finally, the Winkie Guards are literal threshold guardians who are enslaved by the Wicked Witch. Meeting Ourselves in Shapeshifters Shapeshifters express the energy of the animus (the male element in the female consciousness) and anima (the female element in the male consciousness). Vogler says we often recognize a resemblance of our own anima or animus in a person, project the full image onto him or her, enter a relationship with this ideal fantasy, and commence trying to force the partner to match our projection. The shapeshifter is a catalyst for change, a symbol of the psychological urge to transform. The role serves the dramatic function of bringing doubt and suspense into a story. It is a mask that may be worn by any character in the story, and is often expressed by a character whose loyalty and true nature are always in question, Vogler says. Think Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion. Confronting the Shadow The shadow represents the energy of the dark side, the unexpressed, unrealized, or rejected aspects of something. The negative face of the shadow is the villain, antagonist, or enemy. It may also be an ally who is after the same goal but who disagrees with the hero’s tactics. Vogler says the function of the shadow is to challenge the hero and give her a worthy opponent in the struggle. Femmes Fatale are lovers who shift shapes to such a degree they become the shadow. The best shadows have some admirable quality that humanizes them. Most shadows do not see themselves as villains, but merely as heroes of their own myths. Internal shadows may be deeply repressed parts of the hero, according to Vogler. External shadows must be destroyed by the hero or redeemed and turned into a positive force. Shadows may also represent unexplored potentials, such as affection, creativity, or psychic ability that goes unexpressed. The Wicked Witch is the obvious shadow in the Wizard of Oz. Changes Brought About By the Trickster The trickster embodies the energies of mischief and the desire for change. He cuts big egos down to size and brings heroes and readers down to earth, Vogler says. He brings change by drawing attention to the imbalance or absurdity of a stagnant situation and often provokes laughter. Tricksters are catalyst characters who affect the lives of others but are unchanged themselves. The Wizard himself is both a shapeshifter and a trickster.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Refitting the pieces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Refitting the pieces - Essay Example The results of the interactive Jigsaw Puzzle Media Piece exercise revealed one’s personal worldview is formed and composed of three essential components. The three components that make up my worldview are God, Ethics and Knowledge, because they shaped my thoughts, experiences, education and life decisions.Believing and trusting God’s Word provides a lively faith and confidence in God’s promises. One of the most significant lessons I learned is to live and learn from the Bible. Believing and trusting God’s Word and incorporating the Gospel in our lives will create a positive worldview and generate consistent worldview beliefs. God’s teaching, as detailed in the Bible shared messages of loving one’s neighbor as oneself and to obey the commandments. There were instances in life where trials and challenges are faced through death of loved ones or through troubles in relationships. The lessons of love revealed in the passages of 1 Corinthians 13 g ive the greatness of love in its capacity to encompass patience, kindness, hope and the constant pursuit for truth (Bible Gateway, 2010).Embracing God’s worldview steers us to make sound choices and life decisions. Those decisions uncover who we are, what we believe, and our purpose. When difficulties become pressing, the faith and trust in God gives courage and comfort that everything would come to pass and that these trials are just temporary incidents that are made to be experienced to make us stronger to face vicissitudes in the future. The Bible creates a moral compass for people to learn and make life decisions. As a book that gives guidance in the form of messages, one is directed to focus on specific aspects in one’s personality that needs to be addressed. For example, people who face problems in disobeying God’s commandments would find answers in Deuteronomy 27:11-27: â€Å"(â€Å"Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them. And all the people shall say, Amen†(Deuteronomy 27:26)†(Deeper Christian Life Ministry, 2011, par. 1). Those who are reflecting on taking one’s life or killing others would find answers in the value and sanctity of life through this verse: â€Å"Don?t you know that you yourselves are God?s Temple and that God?s spirit lives in you?†1 Corinthians 2:16†(The Bible and the Sanctity of Life, n.d., par. 10). Following God’s Word creates the foundation necessary to choose between good and evil and right and wrong . My life decision is to learn, teach and follow the scripture but to also keep an open mind to others beliefs, opinions, and worldviews. Keeping an open mind means being open to accommodate diverse points of views and perspectives from different cultural and ethical orientations. With regards to ethics, one’s personal contention is to treat everyone like you would want to be treated. Being ethical (moral) is how humans relate to one another, how you relate to yourself, and how you relate to your creator. The word of God provides one with the direction and guidance to avoid treating others unethically or immorality. One’s personal beliefs, values and standards on fair and equally treatment in according human rights can impact in a negative or positive manner, depending on the person and how they apply it. For example, there have been controversial issues of equality in gender and race in organizations. With one’s commitment to ethical codes of conduct, one is co mmitted to treat all
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Memo - Assignment Example â€Å"The pursuit of health care quality has led to substantial performance measurement initiatives†(Larson & Muller, 2002, p. 261). Quality initiatives also help in reducing operational costs of healthcare organizations (Micheletti, & Mannis, 2004). For Newton Managed Care, some of the main benefits that quality management program can bring with it include increased public satisfaction, improved image of the company, improved employee performance, and improved organizational performance. Having discussed the significance of quality management program for Newton Managed Care, let us now discuss ten characteristics of a quality program, which include customer focus, continuous improvement, employee involvement, continuous supervision, process oriented, establishing the metrics, monitoring the metrics, improving public perception, an all-inclusive package, and ease of applicability. Let us discuss each of these characteristics one by one. Customer focus is one of the main characteristics of a quality program. A quality-oriented healthcare organization focuses the needs of the patients all through the process of delivery of healthcare because they are the main drivers who can ensure success of the organization. If a company does not provide the highest level of quality treatment to the patients, it can never gain public trust. Therefore, health companies give extreme importance to the provision of quality treatment to patients in order to ensure quick success and growth. Next major characteristic of a quality program is that it is always geared towards continuous improvement. A company adhering to the principles of quality management brings continuous improvement in its services in order to ensure an increase in the public satisfaction level. A healthcare company can achieve continuous improvement only by integrating quality in all phases of any disease treatment program because a fraction of negligence can lead to severe health problems
Monday, November 18, 2019
Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Health - Essay Example It involves managing an individual’s feelings and behaviors, accepting oneself unconditionally and the ability to cope with stress. The social dimension is the ability to create and maintain healthy relationships with other people. It encourages harmony within the family and contributes to the human and physical environment for the goodness of the community. The intellectual dimension is the ability to use an individual’s mind to create the best understanding and appreciating oneself and others. It involves an individual’s ability to be creative in thinking and to expand their knowledge and skills through various activities. Today, technology had changes people lives greatly. Through technology, people are able to interact with others instantly worldwide. In addition, individuals are able to move around fast, the appliances in people’s homes have made life easier thus making the world a better place. According to a fieldwork done since 2003, the American teens use the social media massively and the use social sites like MySpace and Facebook. Some teens opted for MySpace while others preferred to use facebook and there are those who opt to use both. The teens independently chose the kind of social media they wanted to use. Moreover, personal preferences like features, functionality, how to use and design led to the teens choosing one to the other. teens often talk about what they like about and how they perceive the different sites in relation o the values they hold. For example some teen prefer facebook because it seems faster to them as well as it is less competitive than MySpace. In addition, some choose specific social media platforms because of their friends. On the other hand, some teens describe those who use MySpace as those from the ghetto and hip-hop lovers group. In the United States, the social structure is shaped by race, socio-economic status, lifestyle, and education. Social media is fading away as the one that seems trendy
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Accounting and Finance Degree Reflection
Accounting and Finance Degree Reflection Accounting has always been an interest of mine. Since I was a child, I have always been good in calculation, which makes it clearer that accountancy would be a good choice. After years of studying it, I realised accounting is not only about numbers but theory that require various skills in order to perform a good accounting. The increase number of students in the accounting field has made employment extremely competitive. Major findings suggest that, employers require a broad range of generic and professional skills in graduates to add value to business. In the past, generic skills was broad in that it was usually associated with those skills developed outside the technical curriculum. More recently the scope of the term generic skills has extended to emphasize relevance to graduate outcomes in terms of the world of work and, more specifically, employability (Barrie, 2004). The mixture of skills is necessary by the employers as it helps them solve the diversity of business challenges . Generic and professional skills that employers require The embedding of generic and professional skills in higher education curriculum has been of interest for many years. Skills are important for life-long learning and employability. B. Jackling and P. De Lange (2009) suggested that the skills most desired by employers include communication skills, analytical skills and team skills. Communication skill is particularly essential to accounting profession for which interaction between the providers and the recipients of information. For accounting it is important to starts with gathering and processing of information and end with communication of processed information. Previous research shows that accounting graduates experience communication problem in early employment (McLaren, 1990: Pattern and Williams, 1990). Despite that accounting curriculum has positively contributed to the development of written communication skills (Zaid, O. and Abraham, A. 1994) Analytical skills is relating to using analysis or logical reasoning to solve a problem. It is the ability to visualize and solve complicated problems while making accurate and informed decision. Employers are looking for people that are able to think critically and its consequence. For example, one could be good at spread sheets, can manipulate data effectively but they arent good at figuring out whether the information is reasonable or realistic (Ballantine, J. A. Larres, D. M. 2004). There are an increasing number of companies that want employees to work in a collaborative environment in order to respond quickly in an environment with intense complexity. Avery (2001) proposes teamwork as and individual skills, meaning each individual in a team must take responsibility for the process necessary to accomplish a similar goal. Teamwork is used a lot in the field of accounting such as complete tasks, evaluate clients and report and analyse financial statements. Learning outcomes that are relevant to achieving these skills The degree that Im currently pursuing is Accounting and Finance. The module chosen from this course is Financial Accounting and Reporting (U50035), delivered in semester two of the 2011-2012 academic year, and Financial Accounting Theory (U50081), delivered in semester one of the 2012-2013 academic year. As a credit entry student, I took a module in year one similar to Introduction to Accounting delivered in semester one 2010-2011 academic year. The learning outcomes from the modules in the area of financial accounting were designed to provide students with opportunities to build their employability profile alongside developing their knowledge. The modules were designed to encourage students to build their skill base as part of their way to higher level of intellectual development. In my second year I did Financial Accounting and Reporting module. Throughout this module, I manage to develop some skills and achieve some learning outcomes. For instance outline the regulatory framework for financial reporting which applies to UK and international companies and also using financial and other reports to appraise the performance, financial situation and cash position of companies. We were given two coursework assignments: one individual and one group. The individual coursework is regarding IAS 19, Employee Benefits that has been amended. At a glance, the coursework is intimidating because there are substantial amount of research and reading. They reduced my motivation. However, as I started to read, common key term such as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), defined benefits, termination benefits, service cost, net interest, re-measurements tend to appear in most of the articles. The skimming phase confirmed that my initial problems came from jargons and new terms about the IAS 19. It taught me to use critical and analytical skill in order to find key words and phrases, which help me to read long articles. The second assignment of this module is to do a group presentation on the financial performance, financial situation and cash position of Good Energy Group plc. Further, I have improved my presentation and writing skill because this coursework is presented in a professional report with graphs and financial data. We have limited time to carry out research and we were worn off by the intensive lectures. This is where I found out how time management and teamwork skills play as important elements for success. We distributed the workload among ourselves and set a time frame for completion. Group members were to adhere to the time frame stipulated. This is how we manage to complete a simple presentation, with many hidden hard work behind our success. Currently Im doing Financial Accounting Theory module. There are several learning outcomes from this module one of it is to understand the function and operation of Accounting in a range of contexts, informed by current thinking and research in the discipline. We were given homework almost every time after a seminar. In week 4 we were asked to read a few articles regarding revisiting the conceptual framework. This article refers that the framework needs updating and refining, the inconsistencies need to be eliminated because framework being less helpful in providing guidance for standard setting decisions. During the seminar in week 5, we then discussed our findings in a small group of three. Through this Ive learned a lot more than self-reading, the interaction has definitely improved my communication skills. One strategy describes by Cunningham (1998) to develop creative and critical thinking skills in students are by analysing real life case studies. During the seminars, students were asked to analyse articles provided by the lecturer. Learning outcome such as able to demonstrate the use of current accepted technical language of accounting and accounting practices internationally is achieved. A constructive feedback is given on the spot after a question is raised. This will assists students to develop a questioning attitude as well as able to update their knowledge. Introduction to Accounting is a first year compulsory module, which introduces student to certain principles and techniques of accounting. The module will be concerned with the processes used to record, summarize and present accounting data. The objective of this part of the module is to enable students to prepare company financial statements. Learning outcome after having completed this module is the ability to prepare a set of financial statements for a company from a trial balance and incorporating a variety of simple adjustments. For example when learning how to produce a financial statement, it requires technical and theoretical knowledge once I discovered how to present the information, thats when I develop non-verbal communication skills (Ballantine, J. A. Larres, D. M. 2004). When I started my first semester, I find myself struggling for time. My lifestyle has become chaotic, as I have to juggle between school, work and family. I felt tired everyday and have no motivation to complete my tasks. This is mainly due to my poor time management. As part of the module, an educational talk from one of the accounting firm, Ernst and Young has made me realize that many things could be achieved with proper time management. A person that works at least 12 hours a day still find himself some time spend with family and for his favourite sports. Conclusion This reflective statement is a learning tool, which will help students better understand, learn and reflect on issues covered in the entire course and in other relevant areas. I believe that a strong academic background is a fundamental issue for student but might not be enough in indicating whether or not a student will be successful in a particular work environment. Throughout this course I personally think that the modules I have taken have been benefiting me in terms of the aspects in which I have learned. It is designed to encourage communication skill, teamwork, critical thinking and analytical skill. This is what employers seek for in a potential candidate. Researching on coursework have opened my eyes and made me aware of any jargons that come across during reading. In the final (third) year, I feel as if I have a great deal of knowledge of the information that I looked at for these modules. The use of case studies, group-based learning, and task designed to address communica tion and presentation skills are suitable for developing appropriate competencies in accounting graduates for future employment.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Essay -- Crib Death SIDS
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome      Sudden infant death syndrome, better known as S.I.D.S., is one of the leading causes for the inflated infant mortality rate in this country today. It is often misunderstood or unrecognizable. For the most part, the causes of SIDS are unknown to the general public. This is changing, however, as public awareness is ever increasing. Thus, the purpose of this paper will be to explain sudden infant death syndrome and its known or suggested causes. Also, the history of SIDS, the problems and emotional suffering that results from the loss of a child, the toll it takes on the surviving sibling, and possible counseling or other help that is available for parents who may have lost a child to SIDS are such areas that will be explored. Overall I hope to achieve a better understanding of all these suggested topics within the body of the paper.      SIDS is also commonly referred to as crib death. It is said to claim approximately in the range of 6,000 to 7,000 babies a year within the continental United States alone, with a slight increase each year (Bergman xi). This would seem to be an astounding figure, but when the figure of the total amount of babies that are born in the United States is compared to that of the number of deaths due to SIDS, it accounts for only a small percentage. It is a small percentage that hopefully can be reduced. And to any parents, the loss of just one child is definitely one too many, despite of the statistics that are currently available. During the first week of life is where most deaths that are associated with prematurity dominate, SIDS is the leading cause of death among infants under one year of age, according to Bergman. It ranks second only to injuries as the cause of death in children less than fifteen years of age. An unknown fact is that SIDS takes more lives than other more common diseases such as leukemia, heart disease or cystic fibrosis (Bergman 24). Ironically it was not until the middle of the 1970’s until SIDS was no longer ignored as being a cause of death. For the most part, no research was being conducted, leaving families and victims left to wonder why their babies died (Mandell 129). For the family and friends of the family, who also are victims, this was definitely a tragedy. Not knowing the cause of death had to have caused physical and emotional ... ... Gregory, Geoff. "The Discovery of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome." The Journal of the American Medical Association 264 (1990): 2731. Kahn, A., et al. "Problems in Management of Infants With an Apparent Life Threatening Event." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 533 (1988): 78-88. Limerick, Sylvia. "Family and Health Professional Interactions." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 533 (1988): 145-154. Malloy, Michael H. "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Maternal Smoking." American Journal Of Public Health. 82 (1992): 1380-182. Mandell, Frederick, et al. "the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 533 (1988): 129-131. Mandell, Frederick, et al. "The Surviving Child in the SIDS Family." Pediatrician. 15 (1988): 217-221. Martin, Richard, J. Respiratory Disorders During Sleep in Pediatrics. New York: Futura Publishing Co., 1990. Powell, Maria. "The Psychological Impact of SIDS on Siblings." Irish Journal Of Psychology. 12 (1991): 235-247. Raub, William. "Chronic Fetal Hypoxia May Predispose Infants to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome." The Journal of the American Medical Association. 264 (1990): 2731.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Gillian Clarke †Neighbours Essay
Gillian Clarke is a Welsh poet whose writing often uses natural and rural settings to explore larger themes and ideas, particularly political ideas. She draws on the Welsh landscape and her experience of sheep-farming on the small-holding where she lives in West Wales. She has been the National Poet in Wales since 2008. The Chernobyl Nuclear Plant in Russia was the site of a massive explosion in 1986. Radiation from the accident killed people and animals from the local area, including 6 firemen who put out the fire after the explosion. The effect and spread of the disaster can’t be accurately predicted after a nuclear accident because radioactive particles can be carried by the wind. They can also get into the water cycle. The Chernobyl disaster was one of the motivations for the policy of ‘glasnost’, proposed and developed by the Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev. Glasnost translates as ‘openness’ and the policy supported the freedom of information. Gorbachev saw a need for openness because Chernobyl residents were not evacuated immediately after the disaster due to the Russian administration’s concern to cover up their faults. The spring was late. We watched the sky and studied charts for shouldering isobars. Birds were late to pair. Crows drank from the lamb’s eye. Over Finland small birds fell; song thrushes steering north, smudged signatures on light, migrating warblers, nightingales. Wing-beats failed over fjords, each lung a sip of gall. Children were warned of their dangerous beauty. Milk was spilt in Poland. Each quarrel The blowback from some old story, a mouthful of bitter air from the Ukraine brought by the wind in its box of sorrows. This spring a lamb sips caesium on a Welsh hill. A child, lifting her head to drink the rain takes into her blood the poisoned arrow. Now we are all neighbourly, each little town in Europe twinned to Chernobyl, each heart with the burnt firemen, the child on the Moscow train. In the democracy of the virus and the toxin we wait. We watch for spring migrations, one bird returning with green in its voice. Glasnost. Golau glas. A first break of blue.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ethan Frome and Age of Innonce Essay Essay
Edith Warthon was born in New York City into a very wealthy family. She was forced into a loveless marriage and eventually fell in love with another man. Her life closely resembles the two books she wrote–Age of Innocence and Ethan Frome. Age of Innocence was a novel by Edith Warthon that was turned into a movie. Newland was about to marry May when May’s cousin Ellen came from Europe to New York. Newland found himself wanting to be with Ellen rather than May. Ethan Frome was very similar to Age of Innocence and was the story of a poor man, his wife, and her cousin who find themselves in a love conflict. Ethan was married to Zeena, his very ill wife. In order for Ethan to continue to work, Zeena’s cousin, Mattie, came to take care of her. Ethan instantly fell for the young, charming, and beautiful Mattie. The film and the novel share similarities in the representation of symbolism and jealousy in the main characters yet differ in how their love affairs were resolved. Both Age of Innocence and Ethan Frome shared similar symbolism. To start with, in Age of Innocence, Newland and May attend an opera. In this opera the man kissed the brown string on the women’s dress as he walked away from her. He needed to leave her because they should not be together, just like Newland and Ellen should not be together because he was engaged to her cousin. This compared to the part in Ethan Frome, when Mattie knitted the brown stuff and Ethan kissed it. Mattie pulled the brown stuff away from Ethan before long. This symbolized the fact that Ethan needed to leave her because he was married to Zeena for seven years. These parts are related because they both symbolize a love that needed to be forgotten, a love that needed to be left in the past. Secondly, Newland and Ethan are very similar. In Age of Innocence, Newland encouraged Ellen to stay in New York and not go back to her husband. Although Newland was engaged to be married he wanted her to himself. He did everything he could to get her to stay away from her ex-husband. Her ex-husband begged and pleaded for her to come back and Newland got jealous and convinced her to stay. In Ethan Frome, Zeena mentioned that Mattie would soon leave and would maybe wed Dennis Eady. Ethan soon became furious and said she would never marry him and she would never leave Zeena when she needed her–or more importantly him. Dennis Eady! If that’s all, I guess, there’s no such hurry to look around for a girl†(Wharton, 34). Later, Ethan saw that Mattie danced with Dennis Eady. He got jealous and could not go into the room and get her so he hid. Newland and Ethan both wanted something they knew was not really theirs and did not want them to be with anyone else. Although Newland and Ethan were very similar, they were also very different. Each fell in love with his wife’s cousin, but Newland knew his responsibilities; he knew he had to stay with his wife, and that was what Ethan did not know. In Age of Innocence, when Ellen found out that May was pregnant, she left for London. She knew she could no longer interfere with their relationship. Newland was going to follow her but when he found out he was going to have a child with May Newland knew he needed to stay with her. And that was where Newland and Ethan differ. In Ethan Frome, Ethan was going to stay with Zeena and let Mattie leave but when she was about to leave he decided he was going to be the one to drive Mattie to the train station. On the way, they took a trip down memory lane and revisited many spots where they fell for each other. Then they stopped to sled and Mattie and Ethan agreed to kill themselves and escape Zeena. Newland knew that he needed to stay and be with May even though he may have been happier with Ellen. Ethan only thought about himself when he tried to kill himself and that’s where they differ. Newland’s and Ethan’s lives could have been better if they had left their wives and followed the person they were in love with. If May had never gotten pregnant then he could have gone to Europe and followed Ellen. Newland would have been happier with having a family with Ellen rather than May. If Ethan had left Zeena and went west with Mattie he could have been so much happier. He would not have to pay to care for Zeena. Also, he would have been with someone he actually wanted to marry, not someone whom he married just to avoid being lonely in the winter after his mom died. All in all, Age of Innocence and Ethan Frome are very similar but still different. They are similar because of the symbolism used. Also, Newland and Ethan are very similar because of whom they fell in love with. However, they differ due to the way Newland and Ethan handled the situation of being in love with their wife’s cousin.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Fahrenheit 451 Summary
Fahrenheit 451 Summary Ray Bradbury’s 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian society that burns books in order to control dangerous ideas and unhappy concepts. The novel tells the story of Guy Montag, a fireman who questions the book-burning policy and undergoes extraordinary suffering and transformation as a result. Part 1: The Hearth and the Salamander When the novel begins, fireman Guy Montag is burning a hidden collection of books. He enjoys the experience; it is a pleasure to burn. After finishing his shift, he leaves the firehouse and goes home. On the way he meets a neighbor, a young girl named Clarisse McClellan. Clarisse tells Montag that she is crazy and she asks Montag many questions. After they part, Montag finds himself disturbed by the encounter. Clarisse has forced him to think about his life instead of simply offering superficial responses to her questions. At home, Montag discovers his wife, Mildred, unconscious from an overdose of sleeping pills. Montag calls for help and two technicians arrive to pump Mildreds stomach and perform a blood transfusion. They tell Montag that they no longer send doctors because there are so many overdoses. The next day, Mildred claims to have no memory of the overdose, believing she went to a wild party and woke up hungover. Montag is disturbed by her cheer and her inability to engage with what happened. Montag continues to meet Clarisse almost every night for talks. Clarisse tells him that she is sent to therapy because she does not enjoy the normal activities of life and prefers to be outside and to have conversations. Some weeks later Clarisse suddenly stops meeting him, and Montag is saddened and alarmed. The firemen are called to a book hoarder’s house. An old woman refuses to give up her library, and the firemen break in and begin to tear the house apart. In the chaos, Montag steals a copy of the Bible on impulse. The old woman then shocks him by setting herself and her books on fire. Montag goes home and attempts to engage Mildred in conversation, but his wife’s mind has regressed and she is incapable of even simple thoughts. He asks her what happened to Clarisse and she is able to tell him that the girl was hit by a car and killed a few days prior. Montag tries to sleep but imagines a Hound (a robotic assistant to the firemen) prowling around outside. The next morning, Montag suggests he might need a break from his work, and Mildred panics over the thought of not being able to afford their home and the large wall-sized televisions that provide her parlor wall family. Hearing of Montag’s crisis, Montag’s boss, Captain Beatty, explains the origin of the book-burning policy: because of shortening attention spans and increased protest against various books content, the society decided to voluntarily dispense of all books in order to prevent future trouble. Beatty suspects Montag has stolen a book, and tells Montag that a fireman who has stolen a book is usually given 24 hours to burn it. After that, the rest of the firemen will come and burn down his house. After Beatty leaves, Montag reveals to a horrified Mildred that he has been stealing books for a while, and has several hidden away. She attempts to burn them, but he stops her and says they will read the books and decide if they have any value. If not, he promises to burn them. Part 2: The Sieve and the Sand Montag hears the Hound outside the house, but tries to force Mildred to consider the books. She refuses, angry at being forced to think. Montag tells her that something is wrong with the world, that no one is paying attention to the bombers overhead that threaten nuclear war, and he suspects books might contain information that could help fix it. Mildred becomes angry, but soon gets distracted when her friend Mrs. Bowles calls to arrange a television viewing party. Frustrated, Montag telephones a man he’d met many years before: a former English professor named Faber. He wants to ask Faber about books, but Faber hangs up on him. Montag goes to Faber’s house via subway, taking the Bible with him; he attempts to read it but is constantly distracted and overwhelmed by the advertising being played incessantly. Faber, an old man, is suspicious and afraid. He initially refuses to help Montag in his quest for knowledge, so Montag begins to rip pages from the Bible, destroying the book. This act horrifies Faber and he finally agrees to help, giving Montag an earpiece so that Faber can guide him verbally from a distance. Montag returns home and interrupts Mildreds viewing party, turning off the parlor wall screens. He tries to engage Mildred and their guests in conversation, but they are revealed to be thoughtless and callous people who don’t even care for their own children. Disgusted, Montag begins reading from a book of poetry despite Faber’s pleas in his ear. Mildred tells her friends that this is something firemen do once a year to remind everyone how terrible books and the past were. The party breaks up, and Faber insists that Montag burn the poetry book to avoid arrest. Montag buries the rest of his book collection and takes the bible to the firehouse, handing it to Beatty. Beatty informs him that he himself was once a book-lover, but he realized that none of the knowledge in books was of any real use. A call comes in for the firemen and they climb onto the truck and race to the destination: Montag’s house. Part 3: Burning Bright Beatty tells Montag that his wife and her friends reported him. Mildred leaves the house in a daze and gets into a taxi without a word. Montag does as ordered and burns his own house down, but when Beatty discovers the earpiece and threatens to kill Faber, Montag burns him to death and attacks his fellow firemen. The Hound attacks him and injects tranquilizers into his leg before he can burn it as well. As he limps away he wonders if Beatty had wanted to die, and set up Montag to kill him. At Faber’s house, the old man urges Montag to flee into the wilderness and make contact with the Drifters, a group of people who have escaped society. They see another Hound being released on television. Montag meets the drifters, who are led by a man named Granger. Granger tells him that the authorities will fake Montag’s capture rather than admit to any flaw in their control, and sure enough, they watch on a portable television as a another man is identified as Montag and executed. The Drifters are former intellectuals, and they have each memorized at least one book with the intention of carrying its knowledge into the future. As Montag studies with them, bombers fly overhead and drop nuclear bombs on the city. The Drifters are far enough away to survive. The next day, Granger tells them about the legendary Phoenix that rose from the ashes, and muses that humans can do the same, except with the knowledge of their own mistakes to guide them. The group then begins walking towards the city to help rebuild society with their memorized wisdom.
Monday, November 4, 2019
American Civilization before 1877 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
American Civilization before 1877 - Essay Example He was so proper that a commentator even kidded that â€Å"Washington was born with his clothes on and his hair powdered, and made a stately bow on his first appearance in the world†. He is always dignified and looked like a leader. Socially he also like to dance and ride horses which fits in the character of a gentleman of his time. He was not without criticism though. He was criticized as being unintellectual. Adams even mocked him that he was too illiterate, unlearned, unread for his station and reputation is equally past dispute. Thomas Jefferson Jefferson qualified and fitted of being a gentleman because he embodied America’s democratic ideals and democratic hopes. Lincold even said of Jefferson that â€Å"the principles of are the definitions and axioms of free society†. He was criticized by Leonard Levy though in his work Lincoln are the definitions and axioms of free society†. According to him, Jefferson was inconsistent and hypocrite. He ripped off Jefferson’s mantle of libertarianism to expose his darker sige: his passion for partisan persecution, his lack of concern for basic civil liberties, and his self-righteousness that became at times out- and- out ruthlessness. Far from being the skeptical enlightened intellectual, allowing all ideas their free play, Jefferson was portrayed by Levy and other historians as something of an ideologue, a doctrinaire thinker eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring all those books he did not like. He did not have an open or a questioning mind after all. Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton was the great American capitalist. He singlehandedly created modern American capitalism. He is the founder big state fnancial capitalism. In the 1890 he was He was called a â€Å"sound thinker, the constructive statesman†who sponsored a â€Å"vigourous, positive, constructive national policy... that implied a faith in the powers of an efficient government to ad vance natioanl interest.†Robert Warslow described him in 1931 that for a man, he was not noble, as a politician, hewas not an eminent success; as a statesman, apart from financial measures, he was not superior. But as businessman, not in all this period was any man to match him. And this characteristic fitted Hamilton as one of finest gentleman of his time as he embodied the American ideals of capitalism that made it an economic superpower that it is now. 2. a In Revolutionary Characters, Gordon Wood explains "what made the founders different." How do the public lives and attitudes of two of the men he discusses prove his point? Base your answer on the Introduction, the Epilogue, and at least two other chapter America unlike its counterparts in Europe and elsewhere in the world, was created by a sense of belief and not by common ethnicity. It also prides being a gentleman not by birth but by merit. Being a gentleman however connotes different meaning with the forefathers of A merica. America’s founding fathers were different because for them being a gentleman assumed a moral meaning that was more important than its social significance. Unlike their counterpart in Europe where pure monarchists still define gentility exclusively by the pride of their families, the size of their estates, the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Dannon Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Dannon Company - Research Paper Example Dannon has since become the yoghurt founding company in America. Dannon is one of the leading producers of beverages, packaged foods and top selling yoghurt brands globally. The main value of the company is Health and Nutrition. The mission of the company is towards the provision of health through the food supply to the largest number of people possible (Dannon’s CSR 2009 Overview). The vision of the company is health for all people. The company is always looking for different ways of encouraging people to eat healthier and delightful tasting dairy products. Dannon produces and sells over 100 different products across the globe which varies in different sizes, styles and flavors of cultured dairy products. Transparency 1. Level of public disclosure. The company has a high level of public disclosure. That is, Dannon Company makes the information about its company public and makes it open to investors and shareholders. In every financial year, the company makes public its CSR re port, events and all annual reports. The company gives a press release of all activities taking place including company awards and all nutrition grants. All this is done with the aim of enhancing investor and shareholder confidence on the company. 2. Responsibility for environment/sustainable development. Dannon Company engages in Corporate Social Responsibility activities. ... nt, company has also increased its health and nutrition and nature of its produces which include packaging, energy consumption and manufacturing (Dannon’s CSR 2009 Overview). The company has also cut by 10% on its overall carbon footprint during the 2009 financial year. As part of its responsibility towards sustainable development, Dannon Company helps people in making informed food choices in order to improve their health and nutrition. Dannon Company also supports initiatives which encourage nutrition education, supports research and education which help in exploration of the relationship between better health and nutrition. To Dannon Company, its responsibility goes beyond the usual business of just producing yogurt products as it the company’s privilege to be an active partner in the provision of families with information and tools required for health lives. Dannon Company is committed to three core values in its corporate social responsibility activities, and they include health and nutrition, nature and people. The company is highly committed in the production of those products which are quite useful to the consumer (Laszlo, 2003). The company strives to makes nutritious products, engages families and children at the community level, and makes use of Dannon Next Generation Nutrition to help children in understanding the usefulness of healthy eating habits. The company also limits the kind of products to advertise to children and engages in childhood nutrition education programs. When it comes to nature, the company is highly committed to environmental sustainability as it has been saving on its carbon foot print, has reduced the quantity of its primary packaging and also saves fuel by re-inventing different ways of making energy saving bottles and cups. The
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